Sunday, August 8, 2010

The 19th century Torky

Not really a big fan of the Torky. Big fan of the ease of use but I have never been a fan of the Torky containers.

I'm having a hard time fitting any one of the Torky containers in our kitchen. They just don't match with anything. We are probably our self's to blame. We have a lot of antiques and stuff from garage sales and lets face it, nothing really match with that now does it?

To keep myself busy during the summers endless visits to garage sales in the Swedish countryside I started looking for old cookie jars. I ended up finding an old tin cookie jar from 1880 with Swedish kings on it. I asked the guy selling it if I will regret destroying it and he said "No". Hopefully he was right because here is the result.

Bought an brand new Torky with a nice looking tearer that match the color of the tin jar.

The before picture.

I strengthen the old tin jar with a copper sheet and drilled holes for the paper and the wall mount.

The tearer mount.

All done.


Friday, May 7, 2010

The Committer

Ever wanted to make a Scrum teams committing process a bit more formal? So did I.

I decided to buy and then break a perfectly good Bob the Builder tool belt with a nice catchy "Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!" song in it. Every time you pushed the tool belt the o so catchy tune started playing. The destroying was easy and fun, the building it up again as a "Committer" had a bit more labor into it. Drilling, soldering and more demolition.
I extracted the sound circuit from the tool belt and put it into a black plastic box. I added a speaker from an old phone and hooked it all up to 10 smaller boxes. Each of the small boxes could break the power to the sound circuit using a old fashion, fancy looking, toggle switch. I topped the box with the circuit up with a big red button to start the song with.
If all team members agrees to commit to a certain story in a sprint planning meeting the black box sing out the catchy tune in a very formal but still engaging way when the button is pushed. The story is committed. If any of the team members objects to the committing of a story there switch can be turned off and nothing will happen.

The Committer has now served us well in 32 sprints. Making management looking strangely at us, but I can see there envy.